LED Light Therapy Burlingame

LightStim LED Light Therapy

LED Light Therapy is non-invasive and natural. It has been reported to have over 200 medical studies proving that it has no adverse side effects. When the light is applied directly to the skin, it promotes cellular regeneration, boosting collagen and elastin production, killing acne bacteria, reducing inflammation, speeding up the healing process, and promoting overall wellness. The LightStim Propanel Red Light is FDA-cleared to reduce and smooth the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

LightStim Benefits

  • Works for acne and anti-aging
  • FDA-cleared
  • Painless
  • Non-invasive
  • No downtime
How LED Light Therapy Works

Like plants, our skin and other body tissues can absorb light and convert it into energy. LightStim LED light therapy delivers light energy similar to how plants absorb light energy from the sun. LightStim produces UV-free light energy that benefits the skin by helping the body activate its natural anti-aging and regenerating processes.

As well as being safe for all skin types, it has, most importantly, been proven to actually work! It is the epitome of natural skincare and will soon be viewed as one of the safest, quickest, and most affordable ways to achieve younger, brighter-looking skin.


Before & After LightStim

  • LED Light Therapy results for acne at Skinlastiq Medical Laser Cosmetic Spa in Burlingame
  • LED Light Therapy results for acne at Skinlastiq Medical Laser Cosmetic Spa in Burlingame
  • LED Light Therapy results for wrinkles at Skinlastiq Medical Laser Cosmetic Spa in Burlingame